Afro-Arab Parliamentary Conference Report to be adopted

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Members of the National Assembly on Tuesday agreed to consider a report for adoption entitled: The Gambia National Assembly delegation to the Afro-Arab Parliamentary Conference, held in Syria, Damascus from July 22-24 2007, during the third meeting of the 2007 legislative session.
Presenting the report before the National Assembly, Honourable Bory L.S.B Colley, National Assembly Member for Foni Jarrol, and part of the Gambian delegation to the Afro-Arab conference said the delegation at the conference composed of parliamentarians from many countries in Africa and the Arab world.

According to the report, Dr Mahmound Al - Abrash, Speaker of the Syrian Peoples’ Asembly delivered a speech on behalf of His Excellency, President Bashar Al - Assad, President of the Syrian Arab Republic.
The report covered a wide-range of topics ranging from the election of the conference bureau, report of the follow-up committee, the situation in Africa, the Middle East, human development, practical proposal to activate the Afro-Arab parliamentary dialogue, and terrorism among other issues.

Seconding the report, Seedy Njie, a nominated member said, the Gambia was opportune to be among the five-man committee from the African side.
According to him, this shows the commitment and interest they saw from the Gambian delegation.
“The report as you might see in the final communique also highlighted numerous issues especially on the Africa continent. On the issue of Sudan, the conference confirmed support for the continued integrity of Sudan and its people,” he added.

Seedy Njie noted that Africans and Arabs are moving forward to take their rightful place in the world adding that the Gambian delegation
 was also opportune to make further consultations with their Syrian counterparts, and people from other countries to discuss on a wide range of issues affecting The Gambia and African countries.

Author: Written by Sheriff Janko
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper