‘Exam leakage was reported to me’

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Dr Alieu Badara Senghore, Principal of The Gambia College, yesterday told the court that an examination leakage reported at the college in 2005 was reported to him, prompting the setting up of a committee to investigate the matter.

In his evidence-in-chief in the ongoing trial involving two former lecturers at The Gambia College, Lamin BT Sanyang and Abdoulie Baldeh, before Senior Magistrate Lamin George at the Banjul Magistrates Court, Dr Senghore said the committee was headed by the then vice principal of the college and that their report indicated that Mr Sanyang, the first accused, Abdoulie Baldeh, the second accused and one Mr Omajay were very uncooperative, disrupting the examination process.

The said committee’s report, Mr Senghore continued, further recommended that the accused persons be strongly warned to desist from such, and be advised to improve on their behaviours. “All three people were written to with stern warnings. I wrote to them as the principal of The Gambia College and I continued to receive complains from the head of school of Education about late submission of marks by Mr Lamin BT Sanyang.

I reported the matter to the  College Council by writing to the chairman of the council, who in turn asked me to write to the chairperson of The Gambia College  sub-committee on discipline for investigation into the matter and subsequent recommendations that would allow the council to take the appropriate action against Mr Sanyang,” he said.

Dr Senghore further revealed that he compiled all the correspondence between the Gambia College administration and Mr Lamin BT Sanyang.

The police prosecutor, Inspector Keita,  applied to tender the said documents but the defence counsel, Lamin Camara, raised an objection on the grounds that a foundation was not laid for the  document to be tendered in court. He relied on Section 10 of the Evidence Act to back up his argument.

Reacting to the defence counsel, Inspector Keita said the document had met the required foundation for it to be tendered. He also backed up his submission with Section 97 of the Evidence Act.

Author: by Sanna Jawara