St Joseph’s donates to Psychiatric unit

Friday, July 25, 2008
St Joseph’s Past Pupils Association (ST’JPPA), yesterday donated some items to the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH) Pschiatric Unit, at a presentation ceremony held at the hospital grounds, in Banjul.

The donated items include soaps, red sheet, insecticide, bleeding water and brooms.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Mrs Ellen Ndure, the vice president of the association, disclosed that the association wasborn out of the desire to reach out to the poor and under-previleged. She noted that it was based on this that they identified the hospital and the mental home. He added that their association comprises of people from various walks of life.

She promised that the association will remain steadfast in the cause of justice for all and the development of societies and the nation as a whole.

According to her, the items will improve the wellbeing of the inmates of the psychiatric unit. She further urged them to put them to good use.

She finally concluded by thanking the president of the association, Mrs Ilene Dawnes Thomas, and all the members of the association for their contribution.

Author: by Ebrima M Kanuteh & Mariatou Ngum-Saidy