Breakthrough anniversary speeches at July 22 Square

Monday, January 21, 2008
Thursday 17th January was a day of celebration at July 22 Square in Banjul. Speeches were made by many involved in the President’s HIV/Aids treatment programme. Here we reproduce in full five speeches from those most involved.

SoS Macdouall-Gaye’s speech

I am speaking in my capacity as the chairperson of H.E President Jammeh’s HIV/AIDS Trust Fund.

I will begin my short remarks by a quote from a book entitled “Awaken the Giant Within” by Anthony Robbins and it reads:

“Life is a balance between giving and receiving, between taking care of yourself and taking care of others”.

Your Excellency, this is what we are celebrating today.

You gave yourself,

You gave your time,

You gave your knowledge,

You gave your resources,

You brought back hope where it was lost.

Gambians recognize and appreciate this selfless service to humaity and therefore choose to give back to you.

Today as we celebrate the first anniversary of your breakthrough in the treatment of HIV/AIDs, seven artists and some organizations would like to present to you tokens of their appreciation and suppot for your treatment programme. With your permission sir, I now call on the donors to come forward and make their presentations.

SoS for Health and Social Welfare

Sound City Productions

You would recall, your Excellency, that Sound City productions in November 2007 organized a folklore gala dinner with Thione Seck as the guest artist in an effort to raise funds for the HIV/AIDs trust fund. Sound City has a D100,000 cheque to donate.

To do the presentation is Mr Uha Mati Lainem of Sound City Productions, Sweden.

National Inter-departmental Sports Association (NISA)

It would be recalled that earlier last year the National Inter-departmental Sports Association (NISA) organized matches between politicians and the private sector in a bid to raise funds for the HIV/AIDs treatment programme.

They raised D50,000.

I have the pleasure to invite NISA to make their presentation.

Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen, we now move on to the artists. These artists made releases in praise of President Jammeh’s Breakthrough in the fight against HIV/AIDs. Some of the tracks, we have heard over the radio stations and seen on GRTS TV, others are yet to take the air waves.

Mbye Gaye

Dwight Wilson

Ndey Amie Nyang

Melody M

Twin sisters Marie and Madlene Ndure

Nancy Nanz

Njie B

To conclude this segment of today’s ceremony I would like to again borrow a quote from Anthony Robbins, a quote I fell in love with since the Breakthrough.

“How does a person make a difference? The history of the world is simply a chronicle of the deeds of a small number of ordinary people who had extraordinary levels of commitments.Those individuals who had the power to make a meaningful difference in the quality of our lives are the men and women we called heros.

A hero is person who courageously contributes under even the most trying circumstances. A hero is someone who defies adversity by doing what he or she feels is right in spite of fear. Perfection is not heroism, Humanity is”.

On behalf of the technical support committee for President Jammeh’s HIV/AIDs Trust Fund, I thank you for your attention.

SoS Malick Njie’s speech

“We are gathered here today to join His Excellency, the President Dr Alhajie Yahya Jammeh in celebrating the first anniversary of His Excellency’s traditional treatment program, a program driven by the desire to alleviate human suffering.

Exactly one year today, His Excellency revealed to the Nation and the World for that matter, that he was mandated to treat the most feared and dreaded disease of our times, HIV/AIDS, a disease that modern medical practice, all over the world, is still battling to control. On that glorious day, His Excellency offered to treat medically confirmed cases of HIV traditionally and under the watchful lenses of television cameras so as to eliminate any doubt in what he was doing.

The first cohort of patients, 8 adults and 1 child, were all receiving modern medical care under the Global Fund Program from various institutions in the Gambia namely the RVTH, MRC and Santa Yalla.

All except the child had a confirmed diagnosis of more than five years and it is interesting to note that one of them was diagnosed in England, one in Congo and the rest had their diagnosis confirmed at the MRC. A medical profile of more than five years, including viral load tests, CD 4 counts, haematological and other laboratory indices were available before the onset of the treatment program.

14 days into the treatment, blood samples from the first cohort of patients were sent to Dakar for viral load and CD 4 count tests. The results heralded the greatest discovery of our times.

Reduction of the viral load to non detectable values, elevation of the CD 4 counts, improvement of the clinical condition of these patients, using a herbal medical regime with minimal side effects within a period of 14 days was for the first time demonstrated. Few weeks later, the Dakar results were confirmed by similar tests performed in Morocco. A breakthrough in the treatment of HIV/AIDS using traditional herbal medications was therefore confirmed.

During these difficult and trying times, we all witnessed the frenzy of commentaries generated in our communities, the local and international media and of course the scientific world.

Despite all the commentaries and the demanding schedule of being the President of a Nation, His Excellency persevered and continued to treat his patients.

As cohorts of patients were treated and discharged, increasing numbers of patients were recruited. The treatment of Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension and recently, the treatment of infertility were added to the program with very good results. All the steps taken throughout the year have been painstakingly chronicled for posterity.

During the course of the treatments, the medical team supporting His Excellency, provided the patients with adequate modern medical coverage and taught them all the preventive and control procedures to stop or control the spread of these diseases. As a result we now have and effective program that runs parallel to the program offered in our medical institutions.

Your Excellency, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, today is both a historic and joyous occasion. It is historic in the sense that it marks the first anniversary your Excellancy’s treatment of these dreadful diseases and joyous because yet again, we shall be witnessing the discharging of another cohortof HIV patients successfully treated.

Iwould therefore seize this opportune moment, on behalf of the peoples of The Gambia, to congratulate Dr Alhagie Yahya AJJ Jammeh and the entire president Medical Team, past and present, for such a landmark achievement in the history of traditional medicine.

We salute His Excellency’s courage, humanitarianism, humility, generosity and compassion during the course of the treatment exercise. His Excellency’s association with his HIV patients is not only exemplary but unprecedented.

It takes a leader of his character and keen interest on the welfare of his people to break the stigma syndrome.

Today’s celebration augurs well with our collective efforts to make the Gambia a disease free country. The health sector has continued to enjoy His Excellency’s patronage and under His dynamic leadership, the health sector has registered signifiant strides.

The infrastructural developments undertaken in the health sector, the provision of modern diagnostic equipment, the establishment of a school of medicine that just graduated its second batch of medical doctors in November 2007 to name a few, are eloquent testimonies of the importance His Excellency and his government attaches to the health sector.

Your Excellency distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the Department of State for Health and Social Welfare attaches great importanc to traditional medicine, hence the setting up of a special unit germane to the use of traditional medicine as a complement to modern medicine.

Since modern medicine takes its roots from traditionsl medicine, the two are inextricably blended as two alternative and complimentary treatment measures thereby guaranteeing a reliable, accessible and effective health service to our people.

Finally, I want to state on behalf of the Department of State for Health and Social Welfare and on my own behalf that we are deeply honored to be part of this celebration. We pledge our unflinching support to your Excellency’s noble efforts to make the Gambia a disease free country.

I thank you all for your kind attention and wish you all a joyous celebration and a Happy and Prosperous Yowmal Ashura.

Dr. Tamsir Mbowe’s speech

Foremost, you are all cordially welcome to this unique and historic landmark occasion in the annals of Medical History - the celebration of a brilliant break through against the most formidable pathogen to confront modern medicine

No other public health emergency has been so challenging, so devastating and so far-reaching than the HIV/AIDS Pandemic.

The world was on the brink of a looming catastrophe with impending doom for developing nations.

The AIDS virus belongs to a group of viruses called retroviruses, a brilliant breed with which the scientific community has had limited exposure to. The world’s most elevated minds in the fields of immunology and genetics are still daunted by the morphology of the AIDS virus.

It is at this stage of despondence, that our courageous and invincible leader decided to confront the pandemic head-on, in a manner that bewildered the whole world.

President Jammeh did not join fight against AIDS to create a name for himself, or amass wealth at the detriment of the poor, but rather to serve humanity, regardless of origin or denomination.

According to Mahatma Ghandi, “differential aptitudes and talents are gifts from God and should be used for the collective good”.

Paraphrasing Comrade Castro, “a revolution is a struggle, not a bed of roses.”

President Jammeh’s confidence in his mission, his absolute trust in God, his boldness in defying the furies of the critics, his modesty in victory -all these and others attest not to an aimless search for clues, but to a firm conviction that gave him the power to achieve a breakthrough. This achievement is two fold. First, it has proven that mentally, indigenous intellect is not inferior to foreign intellect.

Secondly, it has proven that for every problem there is always a way out. Your Excellency, this breakthrough has made you one of the Millennium’s most powerful advocates for social justice. And the doctor of the doctors.

The free-of-charge treatment package has restored dignity and hope to marginalised Gambians. They too are citizens of this work just as fully as any of us.

The overall development agenda of government itself is essentially people-centered and revolves around the attainment of human wellbeing in its fullest sense.

Long live President and his family. Long live the Mother-Land

Speech by head of the medical team

Ansoumana Sanneh

Barely a year ago today, His Excellency the President Yahya AJJ Jammeh revealed with confidence to the people of The Gambia that he would commence the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Most people were apprehensive, some convinced and a number of us became skeptical. I for one having known him felt very convinced and could not wait for the registration leading to the treatment.

I knew the condition of my health and thus became one in the third batch to receive treatment. Our new ways of living or modern age have created a society with many chronic conditions that have come to haunt us. More and more people in the world, with our leader in the forefront discovered complementary medicine thus creating the renaissance of herbalism.

Herbs, Herbalists and Herbalism are becoming more popular. A herb is any plant material that may be used to improve, maintain or restore health and wholeness. Herbalism is both an art and science which can mix well with other treatments.

Your Excellency, Sir, we are indebted to you for contributing towards Herbalism which is relevant today as in the distant past and will surely be more relevant in the future.

Ladies and gentlemen, His Excellency the president is a leader who appreciates the mental, emotional, spiritual and social aspects of his clients.

He has created a partnership in his healing process with clients. His clients are not passive recipients and his healing technique is in tune with nature having treated us as whole individuals.

Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healing and is a common bond between peoples and cultures of the world.His Excellency, the president, has proven beyond doubt that the creator has given mankind many ways to heal bodily afflictions.It means therefore that for every ailment known to man, mother earth has a cure.

On behaf of my colleagues, Your Excellency, allow me to register deepest gratitude to you for affecting our lives.Your unique concept of AIDS has opened our minds and thus changed our views of the AIDS situation.

Your ideals with help conquer the most deadly disease ever unleased on the earth. AIDS, until the time you started the cure, was said to be a killer disease and the doctors offering treatment were described as doctors of death.

The stigma became awesome and hope of survival or resuscitation dashed away.

The breakthrough of which prompted this celebration is a worthy course. you have allayed people’s fears about AIDS.

The programme has gained registration extending to Senegal, Liberia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Italy etc.

In conclusion your Excellency Sir, on behalf of the entire Gambian medical family, the presidential medical team, the patients and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate you for coming up with medical herbs that have the potency to treat and cure HIV/AIDS, Asthma, Diabetic, Hypertension, Infertility and other diseases.


Ladies and gentlemen, I may sound sycophantical or praise singing in my effort to express our satisfaction regarding his Excellency’s concern for humanity. There should be a difference between praise and show of gratitude.

In Mandinka it is quoted as * “Nyinya jo mu nyinyaleti”. In Wolof - “Kula Defar Teranga Nga Feyko Lubah”. In Fula - “Mowadanima Mojereh Yobamo Mojereh”. In Manjago - “Nyan Dolu War Ku Luku War.” Jola - “Apali Amanji Numanjo.”

I am not verse in Chinese but in Chinese they say -

Chin Swen More

A Chansnen Howaar

Those of us healed together with our immediate relations cannot pay His Excellency in material or financial terms for restoring our lives, but we crave all Gambians to join us in the show of gratitude.

Your Excellency, I should call you Bleading Heart because as Dr Tamsir Mbowe often said His Excellency the President is someone who shows great sympathy for people. Those of us whose lives are restored are living testimony to the defining moments for the world in more ways than one.

For a President to govern a country simultaneously with the cure of diseases, can be very hard.

Today just as Dr Mbowe views it, you have not only proven the sceptics wrong, but attracted people who at first refused to believe in the cure until shown proof. That was a careless dismissal of His Excellency’s ability.

My colleagues did remind me to maintain that you are indeed Egalitarian because you believe that all people are equally important and should have the same rights and opportunities in life.

Your Excellency Sir, please allow me to extend our appreciation to Dr Tamsir Mbowe who has shown unflinching support and dedication in this programme. He has tracked both the traditional and conventional medicine.

He is quite a nice man to work with, and his patience and tolerance has earned him love and respect amongs all the patients.

Dr Mbowe, you are a source of inspiration and the degree of your involvement in the programme cannot be quantified. His Excellency the president is self-assertive in his attempt to salvage health situations which is supplemented by that of Dr Mbowe
My appreciation goes to the entire presidential medical team for being supportive. Let me tell you fellow Gambians that these groups.

His Excellency the President

Dr Tamsir Mbowe

The Presidential Medical Team

The Commander of the State-Guard and his security team

The drivers attached to the programme and others who have contributed in one way or another to the success of the programme and of course the patients, together not only embraced group cohesiveness but have shown the attitude of members of a groups to work willingly and loyally towards group goals.

Before I conclude, Your Excellency I would like to urge every Gambian to come out in support of His Excellency’s efforts to ever succeed in his traditional cures.

At this juncture on behaf of my colleague I would like to thank and felicitate Dr Ansumana Jammeh for not only accepting the challenge to represent HE in this treatment but the steadfastness and willingness that he has demonstrated throughout the period under review.

May the Almighty Allah continue to shower peace in The Gambia, so that we remain the super power of peace. It is the peace that would enable us progress in our endeavours.

I pray to the Almighty Allah may His Excellency the president Yahya AJJ Jammeh attain longlife to enable him accomplish his earthly mission.

May the presidential medical team under the supervision of Dr Tamsir Mbowe maintain dedication to the task.

May Allah place positive thinking in the minds of the detractors and critics regarding the medical treatment.

May the soul of our departed colleagues and other victims rest in perfect peace. “Bravo President Jammeh man of the year 2007.

Asalamu Alaikum

Speech by Sulayman Kebbeh Sanyang

Your Excellency the President Dr Alhaji Yahya A.J.J Jammeh, Your Excellency the Vice President Dr Aja Isatou Njie-Saidy, Honourable Madam Speaker, the Cabinet, the Diplomatic Core, the Religious and Cultural leaders, ladies and gentlemen.

I am deeply honoured to stand here today to speak on behalf of my fellow beneficiaries from the President’s HIV/AIDS treatment breakthrough. Although I cannot speak the true state of mind of all my colleagues, I already know for certain they are all blissfully happy. This highly placed happiness and contentment of my colleagues is shared with both their relatives, friends and love ones present here or elsewhere.

As such this celebration can best be done today. Ladies nd Gentlemen today is special day. In a great measure of importance today weighs very heavy nad heavier than mere celebration. It is a day of reflection on the past moments of hopelessness aand desperation in the entire medical world. I also encompasses a day of thanks giving for the unbelievable achievement. Join me ladies and gentlemen in christening the birth of yet another medical transition on the soil of The Gambia single-handedly by no one other than our own President.

If only you have seen what I saw then you will understand that days of resolution and accomplishment have already come our way and the people of the world at large. If criticisms will not be laid to rest, our President will not be tired of revealing more of those new medical advent. That is why we are not only talking about HIV/AIDS.

Only the side effects of the President’s medicine instead cure problems such as that of child bearing. Do you know the side effects of the other drugs we use to take? Yet they were not a solution to our problem.

Let me share my confident and great hope in our President by taking a brief reference to history. If anyone of you have thoroughly gone through history, the only President ever called Yahya is our own.

Similarly in a way, his namshake, Prophet Yaya was the only prophet ever given that special name. If you know what is special about our beloved leader you will please your mind with expectations of more miraculous medical myth bursting events than criticizing.

I cannot conclude without recognising one of the right hands of His Excellency the President in this undertaking. We are acknowledging the efforts of Dr Tamsir Mbowe. We are proud of you.

Let me also take this opportunity to seek support to behalf of some of my colleagues from His Excellency the President. Some of mus benefited from the scholarship provision of the support groups for our children before we started the President’s treatment.

Now that it has been stopped after we have started the treatment of the President, we are kindly seeking from His Excellency the President a helping hand. On a final note let me proudly remind you with permission that today is World Medical Myth Buster Day.

I thank you for your attention.

Author: DO