Every Gambian is certainly aware of the forhcoming local government elections. This is yet another opportunity for Gambians to exercise their democratic right, that is to vote or be voted for.
Democracy, as a government of the people for the people and by the people, reminds me of the right vested on me by the Constitution to freely and fairly choose my representative in office. What a fair constitutionnal provision!
Therefore, to supplement the efforts of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), which is playing a vital role in terms of educating and sensitising people on their civic rights, other stakeholders should contribute their quota by helping to build a Gambian citizen capable of exercising his duties and civic rights.
I say BRAVO to the Chairman and all the staff of the IEC for sparing no efforts to carry out their mission. After successfully conducting the presidential and parliamentary elections freely, fairly and peacefully, I am appealing to the entire nation to jealously preserve this momentum.
Local government elections constitute an important step in our democratic process. Therefore, those who are seeking the mandate of the sovereign people must bear in mind that they have to deliver in the sectors of agriculture, construction, provision of water taps, proper sanitation facilities and the provision of scholarships for needy and deserving students.
Ultimately, I am calling on Gambians to come forward and wisely handover the future of your area to your candidate, as your vote is your say and this is not for sale.