Why We Should Repent During Lent?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, they fell out of favour, were driven out of the Garden of Eden, and along with the serpent that tempted them, they were cursed. (Genesis 3: 1-19) Before this unfortunate incident, Adam and Eve enjoyed the peace and serenity of the Garden of Eden. It was paradise. But with the violation of God’s supreme authority, which their disobedience amounted to, and with their willful surrender to the power of the devil, they found no more peace, any more security. Instead there occurred a great rift between God and man, between men and women, and between humanity and the natural environment, represented by the earth which would henceforth breed thorns and thistles. On account of this sin, a rift also occurred within their very hearts. They lacked peace and wholesomeness in their very souls.

On account of man’s fall, men and women started to steal and cheat, to lie and to deceive, to kill and to maim, to oppress and to manipulate, to enslave and to subjugate one another. They started dishonoring their bodies by committing adultery and fornication. They committed idolatry by worshiping creatures instead of creator. As a result hunger came, sickness, hardship and poverty ensued. Sin started from the first mistake and it has not gone unpunished.

The need for repentance at all times, not only during lent becomes a reality in our daily life. Some see the need to repent as a later need in life others go for confession and repent but others believe they should retain their sins and continue to add to it. Sin speaks to the sinner! Whatever wrong one does speaks to him or her and it ends up telling the conscience to either repent or be damned. Since the first mistake by Adam and Eve, man has continued to live in sin. Some Catholics find it difficult to go for confession thinking that the man they confess to is also a sinner like them. But Jesus said in the Bible to His disciples that, “Those whose sins you forgive are forgiven and those whose sins you retain are retained.” This was an order He gave to His disciples ordering them to confess to one another and to forgive sins. We may loose sight of what was ordered by Jesus to confess ones sin but the Catholic Church has implemented a chance for all to confess to follow the foot steps of Christ the Head of the Church.

During Lent, Christians are asked to repent and see God as a forgiving Father, ready to embrace the poor sinner. Sin may not be our fault but we are supposed to take responsibility of our actions and give account of each on the last day. We therefore need to turn away from our sins and be good citizens of Heaven.

Author: Augustine Kanjia