The Gambia at 44!

Monday, February 16, 2009
February 18th of each year marks an important day in the calendar of the Gambia. It is a day set aside in remembering a day when the country gained its independence from our colonial masters, thus paving the way for self governance.

Precisely, Wednesday February 18th of this week, Gambians will once again take stock of the trials and tribulations that our men of courage fought hard in cutting that bondage of white colonial rule.

It is a day when we shall look both inwardly and outwardly to examine how far as a nation have moved towards developing our country both infrastructure and socio-economic wise.

On this day, we must but remember the likes of Sir Farimang Singhateh, I.M Garba Jahumpa, P.S Njie, Sir Dawda Jawara and a host of others who have fought for this small but beautiful country of ours.

We owe these great men and women a deserving pat on the back and for some of them who must have departed this world, we pray for the good lord to grant them eternal resting place. For those that are still alive, we pray that God give them long life as we continue looking forward to their guidance.

On this day, let us see each other as brothers and sisters of the same nation. As human beings, we are bound to offend each other as the saying goes, to err is human. Let us as the same people forgive and forget for what might have happened in the past and forge ahead.

It is only through dialogue, tolerance and respect for one another that this country will continue to live in peace, progress and prosperity. Happy anniversary!

“For the Gambia our homeland, we strive and work and pray that all may live in unity freedom and peace each day”

Gambia National Anthem