Successful Dummies

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

If I were not a dummy... or had enough money to write a book about successful dummies, then the world may understand that either success has little to do with smartness or success simply lead to stupidity.

The number of billionaires committing suicide over financial 'failures' warrants a well written book that may save lives. Obviously, defining success is subjective but earthly success is generally measured by financial gains. When millionaire Rappers like Ms. Foxy Brown fight over under hundred dollars to end up in jail, they often claim pride, respect, honor, etc as excuse.

Fighting or committing suicide over broken-heartache is different but stupid nonetheless. However, committing suicide over money, especially if your net worth is in the billions is more than stupid – there is no English word to describe it.

Can you imagine what drives Billionaires who owns a company as big as Volks Wagon to commit suicide when most of us will be thankful with or without a bicycle? Well, to be honest, I am very stressful and partly due to financial worries. I am a proud born African in Canada where the atrocious weather punishes us with up to minus 40 degrees. Most of the rich, like my ex land lord, escape to Florida, the Caribbean, or Africa while we work more to enrich the rich. Sometimes I feel like crying, walking from my trifling apartment to my modest car.

One day, while driving to work, I passed a young lady with a child walking towards the bus stop in such kind of weather. I naturally felt ashamed that I ought to be thankful rather than stressful over my financial standing. I felt bad for the woman and child and started to think about the millions of people suffering in Canada and the billions suffering around the world. I thought about how people lived here before electricity was invented? How many of them were/are more 'thankful' than I am? Or most importantly, why can't I be little more thankful for the many blessings.

Well, I have a long list of unfulfilled desires that may seem as excuse if roundly analyzed. My permanent residency and citizenship is indifferently delayed but at least I have a work permit, how about the 'illegal aliens' and those wishing to be? I am in my thirties without a wife, nor a child – and my extended family is heartlessly pressuring me. I am in debt and under employed.

Dummy politicians  drive me crazy and attest to the fact that success has little to do with smartness. The list goes on, but the reality is I am better off than billions of people in general sense. Beyond a cheap dummy like myself who owns thousands of dollars yet stressful over financial worries, how about the millionaires and billionaires who commit suicide over financial dwindling? What a heck is wrong with us? In Show love Trinity, we believe success is not a qualifier of the best category but an attribute of passing the worse; just as 'failure' is not a qualifier of the worse category but an attribute of missing the best.

This notion transcends financial success or even earthly success. The closer we analyze billionaires and successful people in general the more we understand success, happiness, and intelligence have very little in common. A billionaire who cannot give a dollar raise... and demands workers should know contentment, beg, or be fired – such billionaires may never know how to be content with over billion dollars.

How can we save the lives of successful dummies? May God bless Showlove trinity: Let's learn, let's work, let's have fun.

Author: Jigster is An African Philosopher – Jigster is the Founder of the