St. Therese’s Feast Goes Big

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Feast of Saint Therese that falls on 1st October each year was this past Sunday celebrated noting its extension to other parishes of the country, to non Christians and internationally. It has become one of the greatest feasts of the diocese of Banjul. Austin Kanjia was there and finds out what exactly went on.

According to the Chief celebrant Rev. Fr. Moses Drammeh, the parishioners of St. Therese made a resolution last year to change the House of God and they have done it and today they can say thanks to God.

He says, “The feast of St. Therese has been seen as one of the greatest feasts of the diocese of Banjul. Many people from different parishes converge here for this. Whatever you give to Jesus you will receive a 100 fold.”

Talking about Saint Therese’s life, Fr. Moses said she entered the convent at the age of fifteen and stayed on for only nine years, within which she attained sainthood. She later died at a tender age of Tuberculosis. He said if it were these days she wouldn’t have died because by then there was no cure for it. But on her sick bed she continued to pray for the Mission. “We are also covenanted with God, we are supposed to live in fidelity. Each of us is called to holiness but many rather point to Sisters or priests for holiness but we are all called to holiness.

He said from man’s ribs God created woman and named her woman. This creation meant protection for the woman from a man. And they are to live in fidelity with one another.

Fr. Moses further reiterated that sometimes when hard time strikes we feel abandoned but that is the time He loves us more. Jesus he said gained popularity and they call Him Rabbi, with many leaving their work and followed Him. They wanted to see what he was going to say on the issue of divorce but they were referred to the Old Testament and told them they were difficult to teach.

On marriage, Fr. Moses said, “Marriage is pure and it is the perfection of man. It is created by God. In the Book of Genesis, God said, “A man shall leave his father and mother to cling to his wife.” It is God Himself who ordained it and not Church instituting it by itself.”

Fr. Moses lambasted some Catholic men saying that after their wedding, they take second wives, “where is your faith?” He asked. He said when they entered the Church they promised holiness “but where is our faith?”

He said during his random sampling, he found out that the monogamous family is still practiced which was thought to be practiced by their fore fathers, who lived such lives but indeed he said it is not the case. “Our men of these days are practicing such. “Before you marry, you must be prepared to cling to your wife and not to wives, it is wrong,” he said. Fr. Moses further said that some Christian girls would be seen with babies for some men and later you see them married to another. We hear they broke up. Just like the priesthood, one should be prepared for it then you can stay in it,” he said.

“That the two may become one,” but why, he asked. Some blame it on in-laws and indeed he said some in-laws interfere. “If you are like that as an in-law then you are not helping.”

Fr. Moses said in those days if the food does not taste sweet the husband divorces the wife. But it was not so when Jesus came. He rather put a stop to it. “Let us work towards the way of God. We must be prepared to face all hardships if we are to follow God. He says let the children come to me. Let us follow Jesus in season or out of season. The day ended with joy and dancing.

Author: Augustine Kanjia
Source: Picture: St. Theresa