SSHFC Staff Testifies in Court

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lamin Janneh, an employee of Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation, on the 19th May 2009, testified before Acting Principal Magistrates’ Court against one Karamo Camara, who was charged with attempted theft.

In his testimony, the witness told the court that he was a civil servant and works at one of the branch offices of SSHFC. He stated that on the 23rd April, 2009, while he was in his office, he asked the accused to wash his car which he agreed to do. He narrated that he gave the accused the car key and within thirty minutes he went to the place where the accused was washing the car. He adduced that he could not find the accused and that he called him on his mobile phone but could not reach him.

He noted that after vigorous attempts to reach him on his phone, he went to the Mobile Unit and reported the matter to one Kinteh. He added that they took the details of the car so that it could be recovered from the accused. He further indicated that he went to the accused’s home but could not find him. He stated that upon his return to the office, he found the accused with the car. He said he then took the accused with the car to the Mobile Unit and asked the accused as to who authorized him to drive the car but said nobody asked him to do so. He further narrated that the accused told him that the car was stolen by the thieves.

He adduced that the accused was transferred from the Mobile Unit to the Serrekunda Police and that he observed that there were some damages on the vehicle.

Inspector Mariama Fatty stood in for the IGP while the case was adjourned to the 17th June, 2009, for continuation.

Author: Dawda Faye