President Wade acknowledges President Jammeh’s Message

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Maitre Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal, has written a letter to Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh, acknowledging receipt of a condolence message the Gambian leader addressed to him following the demise of Baboucarr Joseph Ndiaye, curator of the fortress on Goree Island.

The message reads:
Mr president and dear brother,
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of condolence addressed to me, following the death of Mr Baboucarr Joseph Ndiaye, curator of the slave fortress in Goree.

I want to sincerely thank you for this brotherly gesture of solidarity and compassion.
The demise of Mr Baboucarr Joseph Ndiaye is a great loss for the cultural and historical heritage of the Senegambia family.

May Allah accept your prayers and protect you against misfortune.
Please accept, Mr President and dear brother, the assurances of my highest consideration.

More congratulatory messages for President Jammeh. Meanwhile, more goodwill messages continue to flood into State House, congratulating the Gambian leader on the occasion of the country’s 44th National Day celebrations. The latest such messages, reproduced below, came from some of The Gambia’s representatives abroad.

Alhaji Ismail Sibi, Gambia’s Consul General, Cote D’Ivoire
Your Excellency, Mr President,
On the auspicious occasion of the 44th Independence Anniversary of our beloved country, The Gambia, I take this opportunity to convey warmest congratulations and best wishes from the Consulate and the entire Gambian community in La Cote D’Ivoire to Your Excellency, the government and people of the Republic of The Gambia.

I pray to Allah the Almighty to continue to grant Your Excellency the wisdom, strength, good health and ability to steer the affairs of our dear country on the path to greater peace, prosperity, and development.

Your Excellency, Mr President, please accept the assurances of my highest consideration and fraternal esteem.

Dariusz Nowak, Honorary Consul. Poland
Dear Mr President,
On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic The Gambia, I [will] like to congratulate you, Your Excellency, on your achievements and to wish you every further success in leading the Republic of The Gambia and a lot of satisfaction in your personal life.
I remain, Dear Mr President, with the kindest regards.

Lamin Kiti Jabang, Ambassador of the Republic of The Gambia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Your Excellency,
I have the honour and pleasure to extend to Your Excellency, the Government and the people of the Republic of The Gambia my sincere felicitations on the 44th Independence Anniversary celebrations of our beloved nation, The Gambia.

This occasion once again provides us an opportunity as Gambians to congratulate you on your magnificent record of achievement in the socio-economic and cultural development in our country. Development is not only visible in The Gambia, but it is brought to the doorsteps of every Gambian in every part of the country. This is what has gained Your Excellency the support and respect of The Gambian people as well as the international community.

I wish Your Excellency and the first family, on behalf of my family and all members of staff of the Embassy in Riyadh and their families and on behalf of each and every member of the Gambian communities in the countries under the accreditation of this Embassy, greater success in the fulfillment of your objective to attain peace and prosperity for the people of The Gambia and unity and progress for the African continent.
May Almighty Allah grant Your Excellency and your family His blessings and grace as well as continued good health and happiness.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and esteem.

Mawdo C Juwara, Ambassador, Taiwan
Your Excellency Mr President,
As we celebrate the 44th Anniversary of the Independence of The Gambia, I wish to extend to Your Excellency and through you to the government and the Gambian people at large, on behalf of my family, the Embassy staff, The Gambian community and students in Taiwan and indeed on my own behalf, best wishes and warmest congratulations.

As it was on this historic day that we freed ourselves and assumed responsibility to steer the affairs of our motherland, I wish and pray that the Almighty Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, continue to grant Your Excellency His help, guidance and protection in your untiring stewardship efforts to continue to meet aspirations of the Gambian people and succeed to develop The Gambia beyond all expectations.

Please, accept, your Excellency Mr President, the renewed assurances of my esteemed highest consideration.
Author: DO