Allow me space, once again, in your reputable newspaper to say a few things about The Gambia and President Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh. For a couple of months now, I have been coming regularly to The Gambia not only to visit my family, but also to take stock of the rapid developments that have been taking place in this country since President Jammeh took the mantle of leadership.
It is a general fact that every human being is bound to have some enemies; feel anyhow about President Jammeh, but the fact still remains that nobody will be right to say that the president has not been working for his country and people.
As a journalist, I think it is also quite reasonable sometimes to report about the development of our dear country. I know those Gambians in the Diaspora who constantly criticise the president on their online newspapers will be surprised by the magnitude of development here if they happen to visit the country. Hopefully, they would also change their attitude towards the president and his government.
Finally, I will like to salute the president for his unbeatable efforts in providing Gambians with education, health, food and transportation. The establishment of the Kanilai Farm Bakery and the UTSCO should be saluted by all Gambians.