Police Officer Testifies In Burglar Case

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One Landing Saidy-faye, a Police Officer attached to Tanji Immigration post on Saturday 17th October, 2009, testified at the Brikama Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Emmanuel Amadi in a shop-breaking and stealing case involving Babucarr Njie.

Officer Saidy Faye, in his testimony, told the court that on 17th August, 2009, he was on duty at the Tanji Immigration post when he received a complaint from one Mama Ifebhor, that her shop was broken into by the accused and that some of her items had been missing.

According to him, upon his arrival at the Goddy shop, he met the accused with some of the items in the shop. He said he asked the accused whether he is Babucarr Njie and he answered in the affirmative.

 He said he then got the accused arrested and took him toTanji Police Station and later transferred him to Tujereng Police Station.

The accused while testifying adduced that on 17th August 2009, he was at the beach selling his fish when PW3 came and asked him whether he was Babucarr Njie and he answered in the affirmative.

 He said he was arrested and taken to Tanji Police Station where he met one lady and the police told him that he was reported by the lady for breaking into her shop.

He said he was later asked to make a statement.

The case was adjourned to 24th October 2009.

Author: Binta Fatty