Pap Saine trial adjourned again

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The trial involving Pap Saine, co-publisher and managing editor of The Point newspaper was yesterday adjourned again to March 30, 2009.

When the case was called before Principal Magistrate Sainabou Wadda-Ceesay of the Kanifing Magistrates Court, the director of Public Prosecution, Richards Chenge, informed the court that they were filing in another charge sheet dated 19 March 2009 to replace the previous one. In response, the defence counsel, Hawa Sisay-Sabally told the court that they had not been served with the new one. According to her, she would apply for a stand down. She said they would not object to the substitution of the charge if the bail condition remained the same.

DPP Richards then applied for an adjournment to regularise the charge sheet. Principal Magistrate Wadda-Ceesay, for her part, pointed out that the charge sheet did not contain a case number before adjourning the case. Pap Saine is standing trial on charges of false publication and broadcasting.

Author: by sherif Janko