Pa Modou Sarr Memorial basket tournament scheduled

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The 4th edition of the much awaited basketball tournament, which has been organised every year since 2006, in memory of the late Pa Modou Sarr, is expected to begin on Tuesday, February 10, 2009.

In an interview with this reporter, Andrew Jatta, the organiser of the tournament, said this year’s tournament will be more interesting than the previous ones.  He added that more teams are expected to participate. “We have already registered YMCA, Vitalait, Lamin, Serekunda East, Serekunda West and the LK Boys. Many more teams are expected to join the competition.  Registration is open and any interested team can contact me or Abdoulie Secka on 9988597 or 9907211,” Andrew Jatta explained.

He added that recitations of the Holy Quran will be done on Monday, February 10, at the residence of the late Pa Modou Sarr in Kotu. The late Pa Modou Sarr was a basketball player who died in America in 2004 while on his way home after playing a basketball match.

Author: by Assan Sallah