Nianija chief commends NMCP

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The chief of Nianija Alasan David Cham has commended the National Malaria Control Programme office through NAWFA for distributing four thousand five hundred bed nets in his district recently.

He said this will greatly help in reducing malaria in the district. Chief Cham made this remarks in an interview with our Janjanbureh correspondent recently in Nianija.

He further pointed out that to reduce malaria mortality, further efforts are required to increase awareness, adding that malaria remains a major public health problem in The Gambia.

The Nianija chief then saluted the Central River Region health management team for training their traditional communicators who will sensitise the communities on malaria prevention and control and hailed their giant efforts in the crusade against malaria.

Author: Lamin SM Jawo in Janjangbureh