Ministry of Youth And Sports Commends President Jammeh, Others

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Ministry of Youth and Sports yesterday issued a press release commending president Jammeh for providing funds to the ministry for the purchase of air tickets in order to airlift the 6 Handball players who were recently involved in a car crash.

The release also thanked CDS Lang Tombong Tamba for the supportive role he played, who was not only in constant touch with the victims in Bamako, but also with the permanent Secretary for youth and sports as well through out the efforts to get those young Gambians back.

The release further commends the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Gambians Embassy in Dakar and the Director General of Immigration the crucial role they play during the difficult time of the Bamako 6.

The Ministry wishes to specially thank Mr Musa Kuyateh, a Gambian base in Dakar for providing free accommodation to the team on their return, Biraum Jallow, another Gambian in Mali and Alhagie O.B. Conateh for facilitating the transfer of 30,000 CFA to each of the six people and Modibou Jarra a Malian for providing feeding for the six players.

The release urged all National Sports Associations to view the Handball saga as an eye opener and ensure they conform to the principles of transparency, fair play and best practice in their quest to achieve excellence in sports through mass participation.

The release concluded.

Author: Pa Modou Faal
Source: Picture: Sheriff Gomez