Kombo Coastal Villages On Biodiversity Conservation

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

In executing its mandate to create greater awareness on biodiversity conservation, the Department of Parks and Wildlife Management in collaboration with UNDP last Saturday sponsored Kombo coastal village on the promotion of biodiversity held at elephant house in Brufut. 

Famara Drammeh, lead consultant speaking on the law policies and institutions governing biodiversity conservation, stated that government of the Gambia is committed to the conservation of biodiversity and is signatory and party to various regional and international treaties and agreement which are related to biodiversity.

According to him, the conversation, and management biodiversity in the Gambia currently cut across various sector departments. This, he added include DPWM, forestry, fisheries, agriculture among others, which were established by government to regulate the use of natural resources and ensure their effecicacy.

For his part, Mawdou Jallow, Wildlife Officer spoke at length on the significance of the project, adding that it aims to promote socio economic development of the coastal communities through engaging in income generating activities.

He pointed out that local communities residing around the coastal and marine zone should be involved in entrepreneurial activities particularly promoting sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity.

“The development of income generating activities for local coastal and marine communities should be compatible with the conservation and sustainable utilization of the natural resources in the area”, said Mr. Jallow.

For him, the turtle conservation on ecotourism plays an important role in the long-term conservation of Gambia’s wildlife. He noted that ecotourism can provide considerable benefits to the environment, local stake holders, and visitors to the mangroves.

Mr. Abdoulie Sawo, Assistant Warden revealed that the biological diversity does not only maintain the equilibrium of ecosystems, but also an exhaustible source of new drugs.

According to him, financial estimates put the value of the service offered in the nature reserve on the world’s five continents to Five Billions dollars per year. He added that some years ago, a number of international organization combine forces to put forward the conservation strategies. This plan, he added was to persuade nations to pass laws that will protect plants and animals species from being destroyed.