Job ethics, responsibility and loyalty

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In every given profession, there are ethics that coordinate our actions and the responsibilities with which we are tasked. A combination of these ethics and responsibilities ensures efficiency, hence the maximization of production.

Therefore, our actions must be guided by the interest of our work places for the common good of all in the institution. Deviance from work ethics often results to irresponsibility and disloyalty which does not only disrupt the prospects of the establishment, but also tarnishes our image as decent human beings.

In this crucial times, in which we are moving towards building a better society, we must endeavor to submerge ourselves in the service of our work, abhor greed and detest vanity. Loyalty is very important in the shaping of the human personality. It is the human personality that society judges. We should therefore protect our personality in whatever we do.

This we cannot do if we are not content with whatever little we have. Being disloyal to your institution is irresponsibility at the highest magnitude and can never lead to any meaningful development. No condition at work should warrant us to tarnish our integrity. This is a time when we are struggling to build a society where every individual earns according to their ability and spends according to their needs. Acts of exploitation are against the spirit of patriotism and these are uncalled for. It is important for us to realize that as human beings, our humility should be our strength and our integrity our greatness.

Upholding job ethics, responsibilities, and being loyal to our institutions are what breed humans as well as develop institutions. They further give us a sense of pride and dignity as patriotic elements of society. Furthermore, it is through these that we achieve the societal development that we all yearn for. Recalcitrance will only retard social progress. We must never entertain such behaviors as decent people.

We therefore hope that people will respect job ethics by conducting themselves accordingly, carry out their responsibilities as mandated and not otherwise, where dubious activities characterize our jobs and responsibilities.

Author: DO