In focus: Discover the choices that will take you beyond your talent

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Talent is often overrated and frequently misunderstood .When people achieve great things, others often explain their accomplishments by simply attributing everything to talent. But that is false and misleading way of looking at success.

If talent alone is enough, then why do you know of highly talented people who are not highly successful?. Leadership expert Dr.John C. Maxwell knows that people are never successful by talent alone, and he outlines 13 crucial things you can do to maximize your natural talents and become a talent “talent-plus” person.he is weighing in on the subject of talent and, as always,  and his opinion and his insights might surprise you.

A long time admirer of great talents in sports, business, leadership and philanthropy, Maxwell says that what separates the talented from the truly successful is making the right choice. Colleagues lets follow the following road map to make the best use of our natural abilities.

People who neglect to make the right choices to release and maximize their talent continually under perform, our talent gives us an opportunity, but our wrong choices can shut the door. Talent is given but success must be earned. Beliefs lift our talent the first and greatest obstacle to success for most people is their belief in them selves. once people figure where their sweet spot is (the area they are gifted most), what often hinders them is not lack of talent it is lack of trust in them selves, a self impose limitation.

Lack of belief can act as ceiling on talent. However when people believe in themselves, they unleash power and resources around them that almost immediately take them to a higher level. Your potential is a picture of what you can become .Belief helps you see the picture and reach for it. My colleague’s lets belief in 3 things lets belief in our potential too often we see what is, not what could be. Too many people fall short of their real potential .John Powell, author of “The secret staying in Love, estimates that the average person reaches only 10 percent of his or her potential. Your potential is really up to you.

Moreover you have to believe in your self ,people who believe in themselves get better jobs and perform better in them than those who don’t .Only with belief in yourself will you be able to reach your potential. We also need to believe in our mission, what else is necessary to lift’s a person’s talent? Believing in what you are doing, believing in your mission will empower you, believing in your mission will encourage you and believing in your mission will enlarge you.

Our belief in our self determines our expectations if we want our talent to be lifted to its highest level, then we don’t begin by focusing on our talent .you begin by harnessing the power of our mind .our beliefs control everything we do .Accomplishments is more than a matter of working harder or smarter, it’s also a matter of believing positively. Some called it “sure enough”syndrome. if you expect to fail, sure enough, you will, if you expect to succeed, sure enough you will.

Our expectations determines our actions in 20 of the world primitive languages, the word for belief is the same as the word for do. It is only as people become more supplicated that they begin to separate the meaning of one word from the other. Most people separate belief from action. So how can we bring these two things back together? Through our expectations.

Colleagues there are two kinds of people, those who want to get things done and those who don’t want to make mistakes. If you are the first type, then you already expect to believe in yourself and take risks. But what if you are the second? There is good news you can grow.          
Actions determines our results, results come from actions .that they may seem obvious in the physical realm. However, in the human realm, many people don’t make the connection. They simply hope for good results, hope is not a strategy .if you want good results, you need to perform good actions, if you want to perform good actions, you must have positive expectations, to have positive expectations ,you have to first believe.

Our passion energize our talent, talent doesn’t carry people to the top –its passion, passion is more important than a plan. Passion creates fire, it provides fuel. As long as the passion is there, it doesn’t matter if individuals fail or how many times they fall down. It doesn’t matter if other people are against them or if people say they cannot succeed. They keep going and make the most of what ever talent they possess. They are talent plus people and do not stop until they succeed.

Our passion can empower us; a passionate person with limited talent will outperform a passive person who possesses greater talent .why? Because passionate people act with boundless enthusiasm, and they just keep on going. Passion is the first step to achievement, loving what you do is the key that opens the door to achievement when you don’t like what you are doing, it really shows –no matter how hard you try to pretend it doesn’t.

Passion increase will power, what do you singabout? What do you cry about? What do you dream about? The answer to these questions can often help people discover their true passion. While everybody can possess passion, not everyone takes the time to discover it. Passion produces energy, without passion, achievement becomes a long and difficult road. The secret of passion I am gifted at what I do, what I make difference.

What I was made to do .I feel alive. Passion is the foundation of excellence; passion can transform some one from average to excellence. When you find purpose, you find passion and when you find passion it energizes your talent so that you can achieve excellence.

Finally, passion is the key to success whenever anything fires people’s souls, impossibilities vanish. Philosopher poet Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote,” every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is due to triumph of enthusiasm. Person makes a person contagious, even a brief review of effective leaders and business people throughout history would illustrate that their passion on” with others. my colleagues I hope we utilize this in our everyday to improve our talents.
Author: By Yahya Sanyang is a Gambian student of civil engineering at the National Taipei University of Technology in Taiwan.