Hearts to Africa here again

Friday, December 5, 2008
Hearts to Africa, a charitable organisation based in the United kingdom and frequent visitors to the Gambia will arrive in the country today, friday, December 5th, 2008 for their annual donations to schools, hospitals and the agriculture sector.

The group will be headed by Samuel Burke, the founder and manager of the organisation, and is this is the eleventh year the organisation has been visiting the country with several donations to the various institutions and sectors of development.

According to Mr Burke, during their visit this time round, the organisation will for the first time present Ambassador for Peace award to outstanding students- a male and female student- in each school in North Bank region, Western region and the Kombo Saint Mary area.

This award ceremony which will be held tomorrow at the Atlantic Hotel in Banjul he said, will greatly encourage other students in the country to perform well in school.

He then observed that his organisation is always willing to help Gambian students and the health and agriculture sectors to compliment government’s efforts to achieve its aims and objectives. “Therefore, we are always proud of assisting Gambian students and we will continue the good and cordial relations” he assured.

The Hearts to Africa boss then saluted Gambians for appreciating his organisation’s support and promised that more gestures are in the offing.

Author: by Amadou Jallow