GOING OUT: Wow: A unique experience

Friday, November 21, 2008
The music booms from the speakers. The drums beat in tune with your thumping heart. All around you are gyrating bodies, undulating to the rhythm. The latest steps, the latest dance styles.

This is Wow. The most popular nightclub in The Gambia. Located in the Senegambia Area in Kololi, Wow is the only club in The Gambia to have stood the test of time and passed with flying colours.

It is undeniably one of the most popular places to chill out. There is no weekend or weekday at Wow. Every night is a party night. It is one of the few entertainment spots that don’t seem to be affected by the on-season, off-season phenomenon.

To be at Wow is a unique experience.  Once you go up those stairs and walk past the muscular security men who are also at hand to prevent rowdiness, you enter a place that is a world of its own. This is a cauldron of people, from tourists to residents. Young or old, black or white, they just love it at Wow.

For good music and dance, you just can’t beat Wow. Roots reggae, dancehall ragga, hip-hop, R’n’B and pop music, just name it. Most of the country’s most popular Dejays have passed through Wow.

 Nothing gives me greater joy when I need to unwind than to walk into wow, grab a drink, and move through the crowd or sit in a quiet corner to observe the good people strutting their stuff. Trust me, it’s a great stress reliever.

If your have never been to Wow, then it’s high time you did because if you are in the Smiling Coast and you have never chilled out at Wow, then you have not started.

Author: by kojo