Ghanaian National Convicted

Friday, October 16, 2009

Magistrate Lamin George of the Bundung Magistrates’ Court, on 14th October 2009, convicted and sentenced one Paul Kojo, a Ghanaian national to a fine of D3000, in default to serve six months in prison.

The convict, Paul Kojo, a Ghanaian national, aged 43, was in the month of June 2009, at Brufut Village, Kombo North with intent to defraud obtained the sum of D50, 000 from one Janet Gomez under the pretext of shipping him 20 bags of dry fish to Ghana, which he knew to be false at the time, a charge he admitted.

The Magistrate, in passing the sentence stated that, the convict was a first time offender and pleaded guilty to the charge without wasting the court time, coupled with the fact that he promised to pay the sum of D50, 000 to the complainant. He said the convict was also remorseful of what had happened.

Author: Malamin Conteh