Gamcel, the nation’s cellular company yesterday presented a cheque of D74, 418 to the country’s fastest long distance athlete Ansu Sowe, at the office conference hall. The cheque is given in order to foot Ansu’s ticket to the United States where he is expected to take part in the Georgia Marathon scheduled for 29th March 2009.
This trip is facilitated by the athlete himself through his friends he met during his course at the high center for excellence in Kenya at Eldoret in 2006, who invited Ansu to the U.S.A to participate in the international Atlanta Georgia Marathon in which many outstanding athletes in the world showcase their talent.
Ansu who currently is a national record holder in middle and long distant marathon is expected to take part in the 42 kilometers marathon with Kenyans, Ethiopians, Jamaicans and other athletes from the world.
Previously Ansu has taken part in marathons in Kenya, India and Hong Kong.
“Concerning the marathon, I have been training well and I am in good shape and expect to perform well,” he enthused.
Kebba Bojang, senior sales and marketing manager, said that it is part of their corporate social responsibility to give their support to any cause that is worth national development. He revealed that this intervention is part of complementing Government efforts.
Mr. Bojang maintained that support has no boundaries in sport, and with Gamcel they will support wherever it is due. He profusely admitted Ansu as the best athlete in the country considering the number of records he holds for the country.