Gadhafi, Bouteflika Get It Right

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Libyan Leader brother, Maummar Al Gadahafi indeed has some point when he said Africa needs compensation from the colonial masters.
Mr. Al-Qadhafi said Africa deserves trillions of dollars in compensation for the impact of colonialism, particularly, the resources and other forms of wealth that had been stolen in the past.
The Libyan leader made these remarks on Wednesday 23rd September 2009, at the UN General Assembly in New York.
Gaddafi who also doubles as the AU Chairman told the General Assembly that the United Nations needed a wide-scale reform, to ensure that the voices of developing countries are better heard, and to bring about more democratic decision-making within the nucleus of the organisation.
This is also true and we hope the matter will be fully considered by the world body.
The AU should also have a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council, he noted.
By saying this, he made a point because it’s unfair for a great continent like Africa to do without a permanent seat at the council.
The Libyan leader highlighted that much has been said on the need for a reform, focusing on expanding membership, such as at the Security Council, when what was actually needed was the provision of equality among existing members of the organisation.
When considered, this suggestion will also in no small measure help the world’s body.
“The interdependence of countries, and the increasingly close connections between the problems they face, require international governance that will promote the emergence of multi-lateralism, based on the values of consultation, cooperation and partnership,” says Algerian President Bouteflika.
“It is only through an integrated, unified and inclusive approach… that we will be able not only to solve the problems of our time, jointly and collectively, but also to face up to threats to our peace and security.”
The Algerian President said that multi-lateral institutions which were “undermined by contradictions and incoherence” would not be able to resolve issues as complex as the current economic crisis, climate change, nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, the fight against impunity and human rights violations, and the battle against terrorism.
Mr. Bouteflika said that while cooperation between the two organisations had led to a significant reduction in the areas of tension on the continent, it was regrettable that the Security Council and its African partners did not always meet in full the demands made on them.
He also urged for more collaboration and relationship between the UN and the African Union (AU).
Of course, it’s very vital for more collaboration between the UN and the AU for the attainment of the goals the two organisations set for themselves.
It’s hard to say but when given the chance to a seat at the council, it will make us to be better represented.
Meanwhile, we would like to commend the UN for the active role it’s playing in the maintenance of world peace.