FEGAMSU harvest president’s sesame farm

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
At least 165 members of the Federation of Gambia Muslim Students Union (FGAMSU), led by their president, Mustapha Barry, over the weekend, descended on President Jammeh’s sesime farm in Kanilai for harvesting.

According to Mustapha Barry, the move is part of the federation’s plan of action designed for the year 2008, to meet their social responsibilities and contribute towards nation building.

He said: "As students, we deem it necessary to not only concentrate on our academic works, but contribute our own quota in ensuring food self-sufficiency in The Gambia".  According to him, they have completed the area allocated to them at the farm.

He used the opportunity to thank the administration of Muslim Senior Secondary School and Sifo Senior Secondary School, for making their school buses available to them for the journey to Kanilai. He also saluted the management of International Commercial Bank for providing them with logistics support, and the students, despite their busy schedule in the first term exam, for their positive turn out.  

FEGAMSO boss then assured the Gambian leader of their continues support for his development endeavour. The Federation of Muslim Students Union (FEGAMSU) comprises of both Arabic and English students in the country.

Author: by Musa Ndow