The Eastern Foni Federation in Foni Jarrol district and Foni Bondali Federation in Foni Bondali district, affiliated federations under the Christian Children’s Fund (CCF), last Saturday and Sunday elected executive task force committees who are tasked to draw a two-year action plan for the young people of their respective districts and to make a familiarisation tour of all the villages in the districts as well as prepare draft constitutions.
Speaking at Kalagi village last Saturday, Alasana Jarju, Youth and Child officer of Eastern Foni and Foni Bondali Federations, said the aim of establishing the coordinating bodies in the two districts was to create room for effective participation of young people in all the development processes in the districts.
Omar Baldeh, Eastern Foni and Bondali Federations programme manager told the young people at the gathering that CCF is always committed to their development by way of paying their school fees from the lower basic to tertiary level. He urged the task force committee members to work extra hard in the realisation of an autonomous coordinating body in the next two to three months to come. He thanked the youths of the two districts for coming out in numbers to answer to their calls.
Lamin FM Manneh, secretary general of Kombo East Youth and Children Development Association (KEYCDA) told the youth to recognise that they are the agents of change in their respective districts. He told them that establishing such groups require maximum dedication. Manneh reminded the elected task force committee members that they should be ready to work hard in serving the cause of young people.
Sutay Bah, chairperson of Foni Jarrol district sports committee said the formation of the youth and children coordinating body in his district will go a long way in creating closeness and mutual understanding among the youths of the district. Babucarr Jallow, chairperson of Foni Bondali youth committee, commended the young people for their efforts in answering to their calls.