The Brikama Magistrates’ Court, presided over by Magistrate Fred Forster recently handed down one and half year custodian sentence with hard labour to one Babucarr Mboge of Tabokoto for stealing from motor vehicles.
According to the facts of the case as narrated by the Police Prosecutor, Sub- Inspector Jammeh, it happened on 15th August 2009 at
Further testifying, he said the complainant reported the matter to the Wellingara Police Station, where an investigation was mounted by CID officers leading to the arrest of the accused. He added that at the police station, the accused confessed of stealing the items leading its recovery.
The accused in his plea of mitigation begged the court to temper justice with mercy as he has nobody to help him. As he put it, he stole the items to enable him pay his school fees.
Delivery his judgement, Magistrate Fred Forster told the court that the accused person is not a first time offender, and accordingly sentenced him.