Charged British Couple to Make up Their Minds

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Defence Counsel Antouman Gaye, representing the British couple David Borland Fulton and Fiona Rachael Fulton, yesterday told the court that in view of the development on the case, he would like the matter to be adjourned until the next date for the defence to make up their minds in one way or the other.

According to senior Counsel Gaye, he was aware that the case was set for hearing but since the last adjourned date, there had been some development with regard to the case. He disclosed that his clients, particularly the 1st accused, had a statement to read to the court, adding that the contents of the statement would become clear after reading. He said his instructions were to apply for the case to be adjourned until the next adjourned date and hopefully there may be no need for any further proceedings on the matter.

Principal Magistrate Edrissa Mbai for his part stated that he had never come across such court proceedings, adding that allowing the accused person to read will affect the case. He said the accused persons pleaded not guilty to the charge and was therefore for the prosecution to prove their case.

ASP Touray, the prosecuting officer did not object to the defence application for an adjournment.

The case was accordingly adjourned until 24th December 2008.

It will be recalled that the British couple is standing trial at the Banjul Magistrates’ Court on a charge of seditious publication contrary to section 52(1) of the criminal code Amendment Act No.3 of 2005, Cap 10 volume III, Laws of The Gambia 1990.

The alleged offence revealed that the accused persons some time in the year 2007 and 2008 at Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, jointly printed, published, distributed and reproduced seditious publications intended to bring into hatred or contempt to excite disaffection against the president or the government of The Gambia, thereby committing an offence.

Author: Modou Sanyang