Capacity-Cuilding Workshop Winds Up

Monday, July 20, 2009

A capacity-building workshop was recently organised for the administrative staff of the Ministry of Justice at the Legal Capacity Building Programme (LCBP) II office at OAU Boulevard in Banjul.

The workshop which was organised by LCBP is being funded by the Legal Capacity Building Programme (LCBP) under the Department for International Development (DFID).

DFID is a part of the UK government that manages Britain’s aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty.

The LCBP Phase II started in 2008, and will run up to 2011.

Two groups of 22 and 23, respectively, were trained over a period of 4 days (two days each). They were taken on Office Management, Personal Work Management and Customer Service.

The training was provided by Emanic Consulting.

“The workshop emanated from a comprehensive training need analysis gathered sometime in July to September last year,” said Sanna Dahaba, LCBP II Project Co-ordinator.

He said that the workshop is in response to the needs of the Ministry of Justice.

He revealed that the LCBP is supporting institutions, which includes the Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary, the Bar Association and some stakeholders like Police Prosecutors, noting that among the key objectives of the Legal Capacity Building Programme is to bring justice to the doorsteps of the poor.

He disclosed that other target groups under this programme are the lawyers, police prosecutors and decision-makers at the Ministry of Justice.

Speaking at the closing ceremony on Saturday, Alhagie Omar Taal, the Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Justice, thanked the organisers of the training, describing it as very important. He urged the trainees to put into practice the knowledge gained from the programme.

Mr. Robert Hutley, the Project Manager also spoke at the ceremony.