One Malick Singhateh, a complainant, on Thursday testified in the ongoing criminal case involving a teacher, Baboucarr Khan, at the Kanifing Magistrates Court.
Testifying before Magistrate Sagarr Jahateh, Malick Singhateh informed the court that he is a student and a businessman living in New Jeshwang. According to him, the accused was his brother’s teacher at Sheikh Mass School where he (the accused) discussed with his brother a scout jamboree abroad.
He added that the accused (Baboucarr) approached him and asked whether his (the plaintiff’’s) brother had told him something about the scout jamboree. According to him, the accused then visited them at home and held a discussion with the family, during which he informed them that he was the second in command after Mamar Njie at the Gambia Scout Association. He added that the accused told them that one needed to be a member of the Scout Association before they could join the group going to the Scout Jamboree.
According to him, they paid the accused D75,000 including D300 for the scout certificates and D25 for the ID Card. He added that the accused then kept making unfulfilled promises every week that their passports would be ready. He also told the court that the accused then went to Senegal for about six to seven months, his (the complainant’s) sister, Fatoumata Singhateh, saw the accused in Barra on his return to the country.
Malick Singhateh added that he then went to wait for the accused at the Banjul terminal. When the accused came out of the ferry he grabbed hold of him and requested for his money. According to him, a paramilitary officer found them there and took them to the police station at the ferry terminal. He added that it was there that they were taken to the police headquarters in Banjul where their statements were obtained.
At that juncture, Inspector Fadera tendered the two certificates and receipts, which were admitted as exhibits. The case continues on Wednesday January 28. Lawyer Edu Gomez represented the accused.