APGWA Commemorates World Women’s Day

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Association for Promoting Girls’ and Women’s Advancement in The Gambia (APGWA) in collaboration with Africa in Democracy and Good Governance (ADG) recently commemorated World Women’s Day.

The celebration coincides with the annual Sports Day of APGWA/ SOBEYA Skills Training Centre.  A football match was first conducted between the students and staff of the centre.

The head girl of the Sobeya Training Centre spoke on the consequences of teenage pregnancy, early and forced marriages, as well as prostitution.

Mr. Edwin Nebolisa Nwakeama, Director of Programs (ADG), stressed the soaring abuse of women in Africa and the world at large. “For the women of the world, today’s celebration symbolizes a wider meaning: it is a time to review how far they have come in their struggle for equality, peace and development,” he said.

Hon. Lamin Saidy, Deputy Speaker of the National Youth Parliament, revealed that as young people become adults they take a bigger part in social, civil and political life. As a result, they meet and work with people beyond their immediate families, finding their own identities as they do so.

Students from various institutions read poems and there was also an interlude of music by Oumie Ngum Maisa who entertained the crowd.     

Author: Isatou Dumbuya