One Muhammed Bah was on Wednesday 21st day of April 2009 appeared before the Brikama Magistrates’ Court presided over by Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh charge with stealing from a dwelling house contrary 256 of the criminal code cap 10 volume III laws of the
According to the particular of offence, on or about the 7th day of April 2009 at Burfut village kombo north, the accused Muhammed Bah stole from a dwelling house of one Famara Sanno one peddle bicycle valued D1500, two pairs of shoes valued D400, one
When the charge sheet was read to him and interpreted to him in the language he claims to understood, he pleaded not guilty.
At that juncture the case was adjourned until the 5th day of May 2009 and the accused was to be remanded.