Beyond Cheating

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Before now, it is the price of meat that was the problem, but now the problem is the weighing scales that some butchers use to sell meat to customers. When President Jammeh gave an ultimatum for the price of meat to be reduced, mixed public reactions emerged as to whether or not butchers will comply with the ultimatum. Interestingly, many butchers were said to have complied with the President’s call only for them to be seen interfering with their weighing scales. Latest reports from Brikama has it that three butchers were on Tuesday convicted and sentenced to Mile 2 Central prison for a three months mandatory jail term by Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court. We are not interested in whether they’ve interfered with their scales or not but what we want to make very clear is that theft in whatever form should not be accepted especially in this holy month of Ramadan. Just as we’ve mentioned earlier on this page, this month should not be seen as a profit making period but rather as a month to seek Allah’s blessings.

According to the particulars of offence, the accused namely Amadou Sowe, Omar Jawara and Sheikh Gaye on or about the 19th day of September 2008 at Brikama Market, having false scales in their shops, fraudulently sold meat to three persons with the use of the said false scales which were found to be short of the specified weight.

In this case, the law is expected to take its course and going by the verdict of Magistrate Jammeh, the law has already taken its course. MagistratePa Harry Jammeh has made it very clear in his ruling that he would set an example to serve as a strong warning to would be offenders.

No matter the circumstances, businessmen most especially butchers, should not be seen to be engaged in cheating as the latest three were convicted upon their plea to charge of cheating. With this, the three butchers have distinguished themselves from those few businessmen in this country who do not want to engage in any form of dishonesty. Such act is beyond cheating and should never be accepted.