NCC Workshop to Harmonise Africa Food Safety Strategy Plan Document Ends

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The National Codex Committee last week concluded a two-day workshop on the Africa Food Safety Strategy Plan Document ended at the National Nutrition Office along the Radio Gambia highway.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, the chairman of the National Codex Committee, Dr Omar Touray, said the aim of the workshop was for the NCC members to review the draft document for the second time that was prepared in December 2007.

Dr Touray said that that the next step for the document is that the NCC will put in place a draft committee to critically look at the document and also solicit comments from international technical Organisation’s such as FAO and WHO and the Codex Alimantrius Commission in Rome. He noted that after this the document will be further improved before being send to the vice-president who is the chairperson of the National Nutrition Council for onward transmission to cabinet.

For his part, Pa Modou Phall, acting director of the National Nutrition Agency, Commended NCC members for their good work.

Author: By Pa Modou Faal