CEO Bansang Hospital Receives Red Cross Volunteers Delegation

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
As part of a week-long training on stepping stones, 15 Red Cross Volunteers recently visited Bansang Hospital. The delegation was led by the Red Cross branch officer Mr. Pa Musa Kijera.

In receiving the delegation the chief executive officer of the hospital, Mr. Baboucarr Sanyang, welcomed the group, saying that volunteers play a vital role in the community. He added that some of them are even volunteering in the hospital. “We absorb volunteers in the hospital and there are certain criteria which we require be met such as a good high school certificate. Most come from Bansang and the surrounding areas so that they can assist their own people,” he stated.

Mr. Sanyang further asserted the important role played by the Red Cross volunteers at community level where, he said, they are ever ready to help and respond to their call. He urged the volunteers to keep up with the momentum and assured them that his door is always open.

For his part, Mr. Pa Musa Kijera praised the work of the Red Cross volunteers and urged them to continue in their endevours to help their fellow countrymen.

They conducted a tour of the hospital and visited the laboratory, the children’s ward, the pharmacy and DHT and met the different heads of departments who explained their modes of operation to the delegation.

The lead trainer, Anty Michel Jawo Demba, asserted that the blood bank plans to bring volunteers to go for VCT testing so that they can mobilise other young people to take part in the programme. It’s hoped this will lead to a donor campaign that can save many lives.Other speakers included Mr. Karamba Keita a member of the divisional health team, Mr. Musa Sanneh a Red Cross Youth rep and Mr. Sallah. All expressed their appreciation for the visit and their support for the programme.

Author: By Abdourahmann Sallah in CRR