Why do some customers cheat NAWEC?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

NAWEC is a company which belongs to the people of the Gambia and their purpose is to improve the standard of living of Gambians, including all those non-Gambians living in the country. Their service provision is indeed nationwide.

But to my own suprise some people fail to understand this.

However, it is disheartening to note that the glory of this giant is continually being frustrated by a few crooked people who are hellbent on engaging in illegal connection of electricity supply into houses of people who have been found wanting in terms of payment.

Genuine and patriotic Gambians should stand at all cost and stop those engaged in it. I, therefore, urge all Gambians as well as non-Gambians living in the country, to stand as community police and report anyone trying to practice this.

May Allah continue to shower His blessing on our beloved country, The Gambia. Keep up the good work, NAWEC.
Mustapha Drammeh

Author: DO