More congratulatory messages on July 22

Friday, July 25, 2008
More congratulatory messages continue to reach State House on the 14th anniversary celebrations of the July 22 Revolution.

Gambian Embassy in Carakas

In a message addressed to the Gambian leader, Bala Garba Jahumpa, the Gambian ambassador to Venezuela, wished President Jammeh a “very prosperous” 14th anniversary of the July 22nd Revolution, on behalf of his staff and himself.

“Under your revolutionary and pan-African leadership, social justice will prevail in The Gambia. May Allah the Almighty continue to guide you with a view [to] combating all forms of colonialism, neo-colonialism and imperialism,” Ambassador Jahumpa stated.

He then added: “God gave Moses to the Jews, Daniel to the people of Babylon and Yahya Jammeh to the Gambian people.”

UN Permanent Mission

In a similar message, Mrs Susan Waffa-Ogoo, The Gambia’s permanent representative to the UN, said “the personnel of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of The Gambia to the United Nations and your compatriots resident in New York and environs join me in extending heart warming felicitation to Your Excellency, Mr President, and through you, to the people of The Gambia on this momentous day”.

“It is quite evident that Your Excellency’s tenacity and determination to make things better in our beloved country have inspired all Gambians both at home and abroad. It is my prayer that we make the quantum leap from being inspired to acting inspired with the view to build on your legacy. To paraphrase former President John F. Kennedy, there is not going to be a Gambia any more unless its people are ready to sacrifice,” she noted, while praying to God to fortify President Jammeh and all who “serve with and for you with copious doses of wisdom, justice, mercy and fortitude”.

Gambian Mission to EC

Mamour A Jagne, the Gambian ambassador to the European Community, also joined other Gambian plenipotentiaries in congratulating the president on the anniversary.

“We greatly appreciate the speed with which your government has been able to implement projects in all sectors, particularly in health, education, infrastructure and agriculture, with a view to alleviating poverty and for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals,” Ambassador Jagne stated.

He then added: “The change effected on July 22nd, 1994 has positively affected in some way every stratum of society. Gender is being mainstreamed; women and youth are being empowered.”

The ambassador saluted President Jammeh’s vision and zeal to lift the image of The Gambia and improve the socio-economic status of Gambians.  

“Sir, you have steadfastly demonstrated altruistic patriotism in all endeavours,” he said, and then added: “As we celebrate, we pray to God Almighty to continue to grant you, your family and Gambians all over, the grace, strength and wisdom to unite and surmount global and national challenges.

Sir, I seize this opportunity to convey on behalf of my family and I and the entire staff of this mission our felicitation on this occasion and to pray for you and your family’s well-being, God’s guidance and protection.”

Permanent Mission in Vienna

Dr Gyorgy Suha, the permanent representative to the UN and International Organisations in Vienna, also extended warm congratulations on behalf of the staff of the Gambian Mission in Vienna and Budapest, and his own behalf.

“I look forward to further successful developments of the Republic of The Gambia under your guidance and to the extension of multilateral relations for the benefit of our people,” Dr Suha wrote, while praying for the president’s “strong health, happiness and successes” in his state activities.

Liaison officer in Libya

Amadou Jawo, The Gambia’s liaison offier in Tripoli, Libya, also  feliciated the president on this year’s anniversary of the revolution on behalf of the Gambian community in Libya and himself.

“Your Excellency, your vision in uplifting The Gambia from economically dire straits to systematic development promised by your council on that sacred day has been delivered beyond expectations. Your party ideology of national unity under your wise leadership irrespective of race, has positively impacted on The Gambia. The entire Gambian community in Libya are behind your APRC party,” Mr Jawo stated.

“The Gambian community in Libya joined me to pray for Your Excellency’s continuous good health. May Allah continue to shower His blessing on your Excellency, family and The Gambian people. And may we celebrate this occasion in many more years to come in peace and harmony,” he concluded.

Author: DO