Illegal migration, food crisis discussed at youth leaders’ meeting

Friday, July 25, 2008
The phenomenum of illegal migration and the current looming food crisis were among pertinent issues discussed at a meeting that brought togetherthe leaders of various youth organizations under the National Youth Council.

he day long forum, held on Friday, at the Kanifing Municipal Council Chambers, was organised by honourable Seedy S.K Njie, nominated youth representative at the national assembly; and it aimed, among other things, at engaging the youth leaders in a dialogue in a bid to discussing issues confronting the youth folk of the country. The forum also sought to explore ways and means of inculcating sense of responsibility among the youth, preparing them for national development endeavours.

A series of concerns were raised by the youth leaders, notably the need for the ratification of the African youth charter by the national assembly; implementation of the resolutions and recommendations agreed upon by young people during the past NAYCONF; as well as the need for the youth to respond highly to President Jammeh’s clarion call for people to go back to the land.

The youth leaders also stressed the need for networking among various youth organisations. They also urge patriotism among the youth, and called for increased effort in their national development strides. Decentralisation of youth programs and activities; women empowerment; as well as the need for a spirit of oneness, were among other topical issues discussed at the meeting.

Speaking at the occasion, Honourable Seedy S.K Njie, nominated youth representative to the national assembly, said that the significance of the gathering cannot be over emphasised. He noted that he owe it to his constituency, the youth, to discuss with them issues confronting them. He hailed the youth of the country for organising themselves into patriotic groups “despite numerous constraints.”

Reacting to comments, honourable Njie denounced the phenomenum of youth sacrificing their lives to sail to europe, arguing that there was no cause for them to indulge in such risky ventures when the government, under President Jammeh, has prioritised youth activities on his development agenda.

“The ball lies in our court. It is up to us to take our cake since the enabling environment for youth development has already been created. We must unite together and push the development efforts of the government since the country rely on us.

Sometimes many youth may tend to blame the government unnecessarily, but it is always important for us to sit down and analyse critically what we have done for our country instead of speculating about what the government has done for the youth,’’ he told his colleagues, stressing the need for attitudinal change among them.

He further the youth folk to desist from meaningless and risky ventures, and endeavor in tapping the numerous youth development opportunities created by the government.

On the looming food crisis, the youth national assembly representative said that the phenomenum would be a thing of the past if the young people were ready to go back to the land and cultivate.

He noted that the youth who are the able bodied of the society should respond highly to the president’s clarion call if the country was to be food self sufficient. He challenged the various youth organisations to cultivate their own farms as a means of addressing the problem.

Honourable Njie assured the young people of the possibility of ratifying the African youth charter any time it got to the national assembly.

While commending the youth leaders for honouring his invitation, the national assembly youth representative urged them to renew their commitment and unite towards the attainment of the country’s development objectives.

For his part, Alhagie Kebbeh, chairperson of the national youth council, spoke of his commitment to ensure the ratification of the African youth charter. He however expressed disatisfaction about the delay of the charter’s ratification.

The NYC chairperson echoed the national assembly youth representative in denouncing illegal migration, stressing that the Gambia can be develop by it citizens to a level of any european countries if “we are ready.”

On the resolution and recommendations of the past nayconf activities, Mr Kebbeh acknowleged that effort was being done at the level of the state department responsible for youth and sport.

While commending honourable Seedy Njie for organising such an important forum, Alhagie Kebbeh urged the young people to be committed to the cause of national development.

Pa Malick Ceesay, the Executive Secretary of the national youth council, echoed similar sentiments.

Author: by Hatab Fadera