The boys of Nema were right behind Brikama but managed to bounce back in a surprise 1-0 win over former leaders Brikama.They won 5 games, drew 2 and lost once.
With only a single match to go in the first round of the first division, the battle for the title is still open. Any of the two teams could be potential winners of the title if only they maintain a winning record in the remaining matches.
Below is the fixture of the final week of the second round, Week Nine
Tue: 3/0/08Kaira SiloVs FlameminsS/Kunda West
Tue: 3/0/08T/UnitedVs Star LightS/kundaEast
Wed:4/06/08Brikama united Vs Ham HamS/kunda West
Wed: 4/06/08Y/AfricanVsS/kundaEastS/kunda East
Thurs:5/0/08Jambanjelly VsNemaUnitedS/kundaEast