Death is an inevitable occurrence that defies all possible solutions. An inexorable moment that strikes whenever it feels like striking leaving behind it waves of monumental disaster. Since man has no premonition of when his days will come to an end death always remains a visitor that must be embrace without option.
Muslims living in countries like The Gambia, Mali, Senegal, Guinea-Conackry and Mauritania last Monday woke up to witness the demise of Thierno Habibou Daha Tall, Spiritual leader of the Omarian family. Described as a militant of the Islamo-Christian dialogue, the late Caliph was instrumental in building bridges between different confessional communities. As a man of God, he was credited to have worked fearlessly towards the unity of Senegal as one indivisible entity.
Thierno Habibou Daha Tall was an embodiment of justice and peace advocate. "It was early in the morning that his family informed me about his demise. He was a great man entirely dedicated to the mission of serving humanity ," said Cardinal ThÈodore Adrien Sarr. The Head of the Catholic Church also added that the deceased used has never failed to see him in Kaolack while to The Gambia.
Expressing his shock over the monumental loss El hadji Bassirou Diagne MariËme Diop, paramount chief of the Lebou community in Dakar, also made a public pronouncement described Thierno Habibou Daha Tall as an iconic figure of unity and peace. He was 90 years old and laid to rest in Louga, a city located in the Northern side of Senegal.