Kwinella LBS recieves educational boost

Monday, April 14, 2008
Fresh Start Foundation, a charitable organisation based in the United Kingdom, in their quest to boost and standardise the education system in the country , on Saturday donated a 40 foot container loaded with chairs, books and second hand cloths to Kwinella lower basic school, in Kiang Central.

It was a joyous moment in Kwinella when the container arrived. Students were panting and yelling all around in appriciation of the gesture from an Ex- student, who is also a native of Kwinella village.The gesture was not only the 40 foot container but Fresh Start Foundation also renovated a colonial building, built in 1962.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony held at the school, Demba Sanyang, head chief of Kiang Central, commended Lamin Daffeh, founder and Director of Fresh Start Foundation, for the danation.Chief Demba Sanyang said that Fresh Start Foundation was a good friend of The Gambia and that the donation wouldl complement the Gambian leader’s  effort in making education affordable and accessible to all Gambians. Chief Sanyang called other Gambians abroad to emulate the  Fresh Start Foundation boss, thus describing him as a patriotic citizen worthy of emulation.

Also speaking at the ceremony, Alhagie O Camara, a representative from the Regional Education Directorate, region four, said the donation was very timely as the school was in dire need of chairs and tables. He added that Fresh Start Foundation was a real partner to the education department and as such, he said, they would for ever remember Lamin Daffeh, founder of the Foundation.

For his part, Alhagie Jarju, head master of Kwinella lower basic school, described Lamin Daffeh as a true friend to his school. He assured the donors that the items would be put into good use. Master Jarju called on members of the parent-teacher association to help the school authourities to make sure that the gift was put into good use.

Lamin Daffeh, for his part, said his charity was established to face lift the education system and help  needy Gambians. According to the Fresh Start Foundation boss, his organisation would go all out to help the needy in The Gambia. He revealed that his organisation, with the help of his partners in the UK, has the consrtuction of a bore hole and a mordern library for Kwinella lower basic school high on their agenda.

Mr Daffeh urged the school authourities to make the best use of the gifts.”We have a lot for the Gambian students and I expect them to measure up to standard”. Kwinella nursery school also benefited from the gesture.

Author: by Lamin M Dibba