A Valid Question Deserves an Answer

Monday, April 14, 2008

The issue raised by Hon. Momodou Sanneh, Minority Leader and National Assembly Member for Kiang West, recently is a very pertinent one indeed. He was contributing to the motion on the adjournment debate last week and expressed worry that GPTC has been “dormant for some time now”. “Gambia Public Transport Corporation has been dormant for some time and not working. I just want to know the state of the GPTC. Where do they stand?” he enquired. We back the honourable Member in this question and ask will we get an answer? GPTC is a vital cog in the national infrastructure and for our progress on the path to development to continue we must see the company prosper in tandem. Anybody who travels to work in Banjul will be all too aware of the chaos at garages at both the morning and evening rush hours. People have to literally fight to get on transport. This could all be stopped if a healthy, well run GPTC were in operation. Furthermore the difficulties experienced by school children could be addressed by a healthy GPTC. According to the Minority Leader, GPTC is undoubtedly a strong company as it has been rendering quality services to the nation over the years. He added, “Now that GPTC has not been functioning for quite some time now, I would like to know actually what is happening. What is holding them?” This valid question must be answered so if there are difficulties they can be addressed. Public transport is essential in The Gambia. Many people in the country do not have cars and as a result depend heavily on public transport. The government has a responsibility to the people of the nation to ensure that they can travel easily in the country and this responsibility is best fulfilled by the GPTC. In the GPTC we have a ready solution to our transport problems and for this reason the question posed by Hon. Momodou Sanneh must be answered.

“No Personal Consideration should stand in the way of performing a public duty.”

Ulysses S. Grant