Yahya has made us proud!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Please allow me space in your column to express my dismay with regard to the articles I have for the past 2 or more years been reading about the Gambia and our President. It is really disappointing to read people writing stories that are unfounded and are based no facts.

Pls pls pls leave the young man alone, he is doing all he can to help the nation and he is doing that in a great way, take it or leave it YAHYA JAMMEH has made us proud. I know the man well. I was growing up in the camp in Bakau, I was with GALLO Sowe his wife Maimuna Saidy. Yahya Jammeh has never gone past us without a smile and kids never forget the past.

What has the past government done in 30yrs that Yahya did not do in 10yrs? Come on guys, lets face the fact rather than going on the net spreading lies over here when half of you are all living abroad without papers cleaning toilets and train stations, why cant you go back to The Gambia and help with the national development? Well done President JAMMEH, almighty Allah bless you, your family and this great nation you are heading.

I thank you editor for the space and I hope those of us who love The Gambia would continue to pray for the well being of the nation, the people and the great President. Long live the people and the government of The Gambia.

Sulayman Sarr,

RHh11 8LG, UK

Editors note:

Sulayman, here at the patriotic Daily Observer we agree with you totally! President Jammeh is indeed a man who is 100 per cent committed to the development of this country.

When you listen to him, you sense that commitment and determination with every utterance. And why do people unfairly attack such a man? Well, the examples are numerous from our history of little people trying to destroy great people. Did you know that Dr. Martin Luther King was attacked by a crazy woman with a knife - to an inch of his heart? he had never met her but she only knew that he was a great man and wanted him dead.

Bob Marley was similarly knived. So with many others. I and others hope that President Jammeh’s vision for this country become true. Don’t mind the detractors.

Only thing though, there are people as you say “cleaning toilets and train stations” but if they are sending back their salaries to educate brothers and sisters and feed the family, I say GOD BLESS THEM TOO!

Author: DO