Bravo to the people of Ballanghar Village

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I wish to put in writing my true and candid feelings about the greatness of the good and dignified people of the 20 settlements which go by the name Ballanghar. 

My first interaction with the people of this community dates back to September, 2004, when I was officially moved there to head their 56th year-old Lower Basic School - a school that can justifiably claim to have produced over 200 well recognised university graduantes, a dozen of whom are internationally recognised university professors in New York, Cambridge, Oxford, Miami, etc, etc.

The people of Ballanghar are highly united and indeed development oriented. They love to make peace with one another in all their human dealings.  They have open arms for people who come to live with them. They offer free food and free accommendation for civil servants who come to join them in their development crusade. 

When I was there on posting, I was treated like an indigenous citizen. Everything was readily provided for me at no cost.

Indeed this generous aspect of the Ballanghar people clearly tells one that Islam as a religion plays a very important part in their life. The people are highly religious with a very strong faith. They believed that God’s decision is final and should therefore be accepted. 

In potitics, the people of Ballanghar are all supporters and sympathisers of the ruling APRC under the dynamic leadership of President Jammeh.  Their love and loyalty to the government is indeed unquestionable.  From Ballanghar Choyen right up to Ballanghar Mbentenki, from Ballanghar Njoben going straight to Ballanghar Tenda, there is no opposition supporter. They are true and genuine militants of the ruling government.

The retired chief of Ballanghar ruled for 32 years and during this long period, no citizen of Ballanghar was ever brought before the chief’s tribunal, thanks to their respect for the rule of law. 

Ex-chief Baboucarr Touray ruled his people so well that today the community of Ballanghar could rightly be described as ONE-PEOPLE ONE-VOICE.  Among the many reasons I admire the people of Ballanghar is the fact that they always mean what they say. I remember when I had a naming ceremony in December, 2006 in Kaur Janneh Kunda and in April, 2007 when I lost my loving mother, the men, women and the youth of Ballanghar were my chief sponsors for the two events.

So Mr Editor, can you now understand how great the people of Ballanghar are?  They are people who live on their sweats.  If I were a certificate issuing authoriy, I would not hesitate the least to offer them a certificate of Excellence in the area of national development. BRAVO!

Momodou SM Nabaan

Former Headmaster

Balanghar LBS

Author: DO