Reliance praised for fulfilling pledges

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ousman Sonko, secretary of state for the Interior, has applauded Reliance Financial Services for taking banking services to the doorstep of all Gambian through its Kiosks and branches established in all corners of the country.

According to Secretary of State Sonko, Reliance Financial Services has  fulfilled all their pledges made 13 months ago.

Speaking at the official inauguration of the institution’s new branch at Lamin market ,SoS Sonko said  Reliance Financial Services is playing its part to boom the country’s economy with  the provision of a wide range of banking services.

The Interior secretary of state noted that without access to capital, it will be difficult to overcome the challenges which are a pre-requisite to economic development.

” But it all starts with the cultivation of a very strong national savings culture and reliance certainly has provided this platform”. He then urged the market vendors to open accounts with Reliance Financial Services Kiosks, noting that with only a minimum of a hundred dalasis, one is legitimate to bank with the Kiosk.

For his part, Baboucarr Khan, chief executive officer of Reliance Financial Services said the installation of Kiosks at economic centres are part of his company’s national expansion strategy.

He emphasised the needs for banking services to be closer to the grassroot economic activity ventures, noting that such an opportunity will enables vendors to save their daily earnings from their small income generating activities. He advised vendors especially women to open account with the Kiosk so as to realized faster income generation.

Sainabou Faal, deputy governor of Wester Region, hailed the initiatives of Reliance Financial Services saying Lamin Kiosks is the third to be inaugurated in Western Region.

Other speakers included Ya Kaddy Sambou, president of Banjulinding Women’s Horticultural Garden and Mba Ara Jatta, president of Serrekunda Market Women Vendors.

Author: by Hatab Fadera