Ants in a university
That sounds incredible
I am UTG, though it is very true
We have them in abundance
And in various forms
First there is the principal ant
A Norwegian ant
Jovial, accommodating, hardworking
Burns up his energy
Works relentlessly,
All for the good of UTG
Then there are the administrative ants!
They are led by a Mandinka ant
An elderly, wise, efficient man
Ever ready to bear blows
From students, staff and visitors.
This ant is the encyclopedia of UTG
The teaching ants are many and varied
Coming from every part of the world
Some are professors
Others are associate professors
There are also the lecturers of all sorts
And finally the teaching assistants
The thing that is common to all of them is
That they all carry books in their heads
Then there are the curious ants
We refer to them as students
They do all they can to eat some of the books
In the heads of the teaching ants
Some of these student ants are
Very hardworking
Others are lazy
Some look for short cuts to book learning
Others grumble and blame
Everything and everybody
For their own faults
However, they sit up
When they are faced with tests and exams
Bravo to the auxiliary ants!
Take them away
And UTG will sink
And come to a standstill.
They keep UTG clean
And make things move
All UTG ants move
Up and down
On foot
In vehicles
They all move
I am UTG’s mobile campus
And life goes on.
By Rev. Daniel Sahr Junisa
One Voice, One Action, One Africa
The multiple of tribes that beautiful Africa portrays
And the beauty of our natural display
In every nation of Africa unto this day
Shows the riches of culture vast in array
The progress of Africa is GU’s priority
Supporting our leaders to be in unity
To work towards African prosperity
And cherish our differences and diversity
I dream that Africa unity is on the way
I can see the youth choosing not to go astray
I can see our leaders trying to put all wars at bay
This tells me that peace and unity will come some day
With One Voice Oh what a Voice!
With One Action Oh What an Action!
With One Africa, Poverty must go away!
One Voice One Action One Africa
By Anthony Mendy
The Monster
We went to the woods and there we saw
A monster with a skin as green as grass
And teeth as sharp as an axe.
He was bigger than an elephant,
Yet he walked as daintily as a cat.
He was covered with leaves like scales
And his eyes shone like silver.
His head was the shape of a pear
He had claws that looked like railings,
His tail was like a long tree trunk.
He thumped his tail on the ground,
It sounded like an explosion.
He ran as fast as a horse
And made the noise of a jet plane,
He knocked down trees like a bulldozer.
He drank from a pool as if he was dying of thirst.
He grabbed a small animal and tore it apart
Like a cat does a bird.