AMMREN Gambia to be launched soon

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Gambia chapter of the Africa Media and Malaria Research Network (AMMREN) is expected to be launched in October this year.

AMMREN, is an organisation gearing towards networking on malaria research and publication, culminated with regional training workshop for African Journalists held last year in Ghana and Kenya. This network aims at strengthening malaria research and effective reporting on one of the most dangerous diseases affecting the African continent.

AMMREN Gambia chapter is a branch  of  the nine member country of the AMMREN regional body  that include Senegal, Ghana, The Gambia, Tanzania, Gabon, Mozambique, Nigeria Kenya, and Botswana with the main objective of combating malaria, the number one killer disease in Africa.

Speaking to the Daily Observer, Pa Modou Faal, AMMREN Country Coordinator, after given an historical overview that led to the advent of AMMREN, he pointed out that the regional training workshop in Ghana and the follow up meeting in Mombasa (Kenya), was marked by an important agreement made by its members in order to fight malaria. He added that the training programme was meant to improve their capacity on malaria reporting skills. “The meeting then resolved at selecting the nine member country coordinators,” he stated.

According to him, during the Mombasa meeting, Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara, former Gambian President, Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary-General and Nelson Mandela former South African President were choosen as AMMREN patrons. He revealed that AMMREN Gambia chapter will be launched next month, adding that AMMREN Gambia will be working hand-in-hand with partners like the Medical Research Council (MRC), National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP), Center For Innovation Against Malaria (CIAM) on research.

Mr Faal noted that they are planning to come up with a quarterly magazine whereby research work on malaria in The Gambia and parts of Africa will be published. He also solicited for funding from local partners to enable them to carry out the work effectively.

Author: Written by Buya Jammeh
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper