HG & Sons Marketing Manager, Proprietor Reassure Public

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Following the recent HG Electronics incident that claimed the life of a young man, both the proprietor and Marketing Manager have apparently resolved to allay possible fears that the public might have as a consequence, saying that the incident was nothing more than an accidental explosion that resulted to fatal injuries to the late Mr. Sarr.

Recounting the mishap to our reporter who was taken on a conducted tour at the HG offices, the Marketing Manager, Mr. Joseph Mendy, explained that the incident happened when the late Ebrima Sarr was refilling a fire extinguisher that someone brought from outside, adding that the fire bottle was not of British standard, unlike their products.

“Here at HG and Sons, anything we sell has to be British standard. We have customers from all walks of life because of our quality products,” he said.

He added that it was due to their campaign for people to use fire extinguishers that the company had to suffer such great loss.

For his part the proprietor, Mr. Habib Gitteh, who could not hold back tears, described late Mr. Sarr’s death as a double loss to him as both a half brother and boss. The distraught Mr. Gitteh rounded up by reasoning that the loss of a human being is more sorrowful than that of the asset of HG.

Author: By Baboucarr Senghore
Source: The Point