FEGAMSO Holds Inter-School Competition

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Federation of Gambia Muslim Students’ Organisation (FEGAMSO) held, last Saturday, its annual inter-school Qur’anic Recitation and speech competition among schools and other learning institutions in the country, at the Abuko Upper Basic School.
Delivering his welcoming remarks, Nfamara Jawneh, Public Relations Officer of FEGAMSO, seized the opportunity to make historical overview of the organisation.

According to him, FEGAMSO  is the umbrella body tasked with the responsibility of coordinating the affairs and activities of all school base Islamic clubs and societies in the country.  Founded in 1994 with the sole aim of propagating Islam among Muslim students in the country, he indicated that organisation activities cover   a wide range of domains including inter-school competitions, Iftar (fast breaking), youth camps, Da’wa conferences and seminars among others. “Today’s event is the second most biggest event in the calendar of FEGAMSO after the congress” he said.
The competition, he said, is aim at installing in Muslim students the habit of reading the Holy Qur’aan in the proper manner, the event will also enable the organisation to spot out competent students who would represent them at international Qur’anic recitation competitions.  Coupled to that, the speech or oratory competition will refine the Da’wa skills of the respective participants and sharpen their knowledge in the “Deen”.

Sheikh Ebrahim Hassan Cham, a founding member of the organisation encouraged Muslim youths to be more proactive in their region.  He adviced them to seek for more knowledge in order for them to worship Allah in the proper manner.

Speaking at the closing, Mustapha Barry president of FEGAMSO thanked Allah and all those who contributed towards the success of the event. “One thing is clear is that there is no looser in this competition, that is every one is a winner as our payment is from God” he noted.  He also commended the Gambian leader president Yahya A. JJ Jammeh for been the main sponsor of their last year’s competition.

The event was chaired by Abdou Jeng former secretary general of FEGAMSO.

Certificates were awarded to all participating schools and institutions. Prizes were also given to the best fives in all categories namely upper basic, senior school, Tertiary and Islamic Oriented schools.

The annual event was attended by hundreds of Muslim youths while about 30 schools and institutions participated.

Author: by Mariatou Ngum-Saidy